Superpowers In A World Gone Mad
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Among The Shadows, Issue #002

June 14, 2013 in Among The Shadows Tags:

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Issue #002 – – – – – controlled by Ewan Farris – – – – – Credits 10

Dark Star opened the front door and – before the agent who was waiting outside could react – he stepped through it and held out his hand.  “Hello, Agent Stern, nice to meet you.”  Surprised, the agent shook his hand.
“Who are you?” Stern asked.
“I am Oliver Taverner, Lily’s cousin,” Dark Star lied. The two men assessed one another.  Dark Star looked like something out of 1930’s Film Noir, with his long black duster and wide-brimmed black hat, his scarf tied artfully around his face so as to almost completely obscure his features.  Agent Stern was a middle-aged white man in a crisp black suit, with chiselled features and a rugged, handsome face.

“Who are you, and why am I not speaking with Lily Taverner?”
“Lily is not on duty tonight, I’m managing the home,” Dark Star told him.
“With all due respect, Sir, you hardly look like a child-minder.”
“Perhaps you could tell me what it is you want?” Dark Star countered.
“I want the Freaks that Lily Taverner is hiding in here.  I know what has been going on and I’m here to stop it.  Harbouring an unregistered Subnormal, Abnormal or Super is a serious crime.  All meta-challenged citizens must report to the city bureau for evaluation.”
“There are no freaks here,” Dark Star said coldly, “Only children.”
“I think they are both.  Now step out of the way so that I can secure them and take them to be classified.”
“You arrived just a few minutes after the police visited the place,” Dark Star said.  “They searched the premises thoroughly.  There are no illegal fugitives being harboured here.  The children are best left in peace. ”

Agent Stern looked surprised, but then quickly covered the reaction up.  “They were not authorised for a full search.  I am.”
Dark Star reassessed the man.  “Is that right?  The Bullies weren’t authorised for a full search?  Come on, Agent Stern, you know that the cops in this city can do pretty much whatever the hell they like.  I don’t think you knew they were here, did you?”
“I, uh, yes.  I did.” Agent Stern managed, but Dark Star could see he was lying.
“An agent of the Federal Bureau Of Abnormal Activities would be fully informed of the movement of local law enforcement,” Dark Star said, suspiciously.
“I am.  I was,” the Agent stammered, but he was looking less cool and collected by the second.
“You know, I’m not sure you are an agent of anything,” Dark Star stared at the man and as he did so the spectral energy began to build up within him, surrounded his body with a weird nimbus of blue-grey starry light.
“You’re not Lily’s cousin.  You’re not even human!  You’re some kind of Abnormal!” Stern accused.
“Dead right,” Dark Star said, “And so, I suspect, are you.”

The man who had claimed to be Agent Stern transformed instantly.  Where there had been a man now there stood a thing.  Some seven feet tall, the monster was lizard-like in appearance, in some ways like a Komodo Dragon.  But on its head it had curling horns and from its rear protruded powerful, sinewy tail.   In its hands it carried a wicked-looking double-headed axe.  With an easy gesture it tore the suit from its body revealing thick, scaly skin.  It tipped it’s head to the sky and roared, the noise echoing through the streets and rattling at the windows.

Dark Star didn’t hang around.   He somersaulted to the side and just in time to avoid the powerful swing from that evil axe weapon.  The monster was on him in a flash, snapping with its dripping, fierce jaws.  “You know,” Dark Star said as he kicked the creature in the chest, pushing it backwards, “I think I preferred your other look.”
“Do not prattle, flesh sack,” the monster hissed.  “You are not to my taste, but you will serve as an appetiser before the main course.”
“If it’s okay with you,” said Dark Star, “I’d rather not.”
Just then the door behind him opened and Lily stared out, a trio of frightened children’s faces framed behind her.  She saw the monster and screamed.  “No, Lily,” Dark Star cried, “Get back inside.  Let me handle this.”
“Ah!”  The monster sported a toothy grin.  “Supper.  Tasty.”
“You’re not eating Lily,” Dark Star told him.  “You’ll have to go through me first.”
“It is not the adult that I want,” the creepy lizard-thing corrected, “And going through your soft pink body to reach the food will not be a problem.  No human can stand against Chu Kwai.”
“Well, we’ll just see about that,” Dark Star said, hard eyes levelled.  There were going to be no child-flavoured snacks on his watch.

Chu Kwai came at the hero like a bull, head down, muscles bunching.  Dark Star backed up against the door.  How he hated doors, concealing what you where facing and then framed you nicely once opened.  But he’d been quietly gathering his spectral energy and he was ready.  One thing Dark star knew, it was not much fun to be struck by the strange power of spectral energy for most people, but for those who heralded from the dark side it was usually much more effective.  He’d already concluded that this thing calling itself Chu Kwai was not simply a freak or a subnormal – it was otherworldly.  In fact, he’d lay a fair bet it was a demon, of some kind.  By the name – an oriental one!

The searing blast of spectral energy that streamed from Dark Star’s upturned palms was absolutely silent, but it was oh so bright.  Momentarily, the night air lit up like the Fourth of July as the strange starlit glow made the entire vicinity strange and beautiful.  For its part, Chu Kwai was thrown across the street like a leaf in a hurricane.  It’s huge body lifted and sent tumbling through the air and bounced across the road until it struck a streetlight column.  There was a crash as the metal pylon folded in half and that area of the street was plunged into shadow as the spectral energy flash dimmed and the lamp was extinguished.

Carefully, Dark Star crossed the road to examine the fallen creature.  It tried to rise to its feet, but the blast had temporarily taken the fight out of it.  Instead it let out a low moan.  Dark Star made his hands glow again.  He probably didn’t have enough juice left for another big shot like that yet, but Chu Kwai didn’t know that.  “Ready to meet your infernal maker?” the hero asked.
“No, wait,” the huge Lizard thing quivered, somewhat pathetically for its size.  “I’m sorry, mighty fleshy one.  I did not know you had already claimed this bounty.  Perhaps we can share?”
“These children in that house are under my protection,” Dark Star said coldly.  “How did you know they were there?”
“I could smell them,”  Chu Kwai said simply.
“Are you a demon?  Why are you here?”
The thing looked shifty, evasive.  “I came through a portal, I was alone.  There are no others.

A cold chill ran down Dark Star’s spine.  It was lying.  Which meant there were more demons here.  “Last chance, ” the hero growled.  “Tell me why you are here and how many others have come or you die.”  His hands glowed more brightly.
Chu Kwai relented, fear in its eyes: “A coven has opened a True Gate.  Many have come.  Many more will come.  Eventually, all will come.”
“All?”  Dark Star didn’t know what a True Gate was, but he didn’t like the sound of it.  “What do you mean all?
“All,” repeated Chu Kwai.  “The Infernal Host.  Millions of demons are coming.  Millions.”


2 Responses to “Among The Shadows, Issue #002”

  1. False Bill Says:

    Millions of Demons, Lucky you, So what’re the odds the coven control or have members on Bull corporation Board?

  2. Wayne Says:

    lol Dungeonworld Time of Thunder meets Abnormals!


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