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Secret Origins – Got Gal

May 28, 2013 in Secret Origins Tags:

got gal cover

Got Gal

Got Gal had no intention of becoming the new Lara Croft, but fact is most of her adventures just lately have taken into sewers and tunnels and other ickyness.   It’s not appropriate really, given how scant her costume is.  Oh well.  If life deals you lemons…

Got Gal’s powers come from her pendant.  Happy-go-lucky, free-spirited and upbeat, the style is all her own.

Type Of Hero: Foci

Base Of Operations: Helix City – The Suburbs / Below

Secret Identity: Constance Toffee

Description: A pretty young woman, her costume is a skimpy blue bikini, strap on high heels, a red jewel pendant and not a whole lot else.

Powers: Flight: Advanced, Strength: 2, Energy Immunity: Magical: 1

“I suppose I’d better sort through that old box of Great-Uncle Frank,” thought the young woman – an idea that had passed through her mind every six months for the past few years. She’d always liked Frank when he was alive and she appreciated him even more after he left her enough money to buy this apartment, but checking his old nick-nacks had always seemed like too much trouble.  However it was a wet winter evening and everything on the TV was truly dull, so it was at least a small distraction.

The carved chest was a handsome enough piece to have a place in her hall and few minutes rummaging in her oddments pot produced the key that opened it. It turned out to hold mostly books, hand written by many people. The ones that weren’t by Frank looked old, mostly in strange languages and even stranger alphabets. There was a small casket at the bottom containing objects of unknown purposes, but nestling among was a large gem on a silver chain. She lifted it out and whistled, it was crudely cut and there was something cloudy in the middle – a flaw?  Still even a poor ruby of that size had to be worth a lot.

She went over to the mirror and hung it round her neck. As soon as the jewel touched her skin it began to glow and a voice said: “the Priestess has been chosen, Great Gott will be paid.”  She jumped at that, where had it come from?  Then the girl realised she was floating in mid-air and reached out a hand to steady herself on steel coat-hook which bent like Plasticine in her grasp. “Why, I’m strong and I can fly – I must be a super hero.  How smashing!”  And in the ensuing excitement of trying out her powers and selecting a costume forgot everything the voice had said except the word Gott, which she presumed had been “Got.”   So she became Got-Gal.

One Response to “Secret Origins – Got Gal”

  1. Keith Nixon Says:

    I wrote this as GG’s origin for the original game – she’s changed a bit since then.

    “I suppose I’d better sort through that old box of Great-Uncle Frank,” thought the young woman – an idea that had passed through her mind every six months for the past few years. She’d always liked Frank when he was alive and she appreciated him even more after he left her enough money to buy this apartment, but checking his old nick-nacks had always seemed like too much trouble. However it was a wet winter evening and everything on the TV was truly dull, so it was at least a small distraction.
    The carved chest was a handsome enough piece to have a place in her hall and few minutes rummaging in her oddments pot produced the key that opened it. It turned out to hold mostly books, hand written by many people. The ones that weren’t by Frank looked old, mostly in strange languages and even stranger alphabets. There was a small casket at the bottom containing objects of unknown purposes, but nestling among was a large gem on a silver chain. She lifted it out and whistled, it was crudely cut and there was something cloudy in the middle – a flaw? Still even a poor ruby of that size had to be worth a lot.
    She went over to the mirror and hung it round her neck. As soon as the jewel touched her skin it began to glow and voice said “the Priestess has been chosen, Great Got will be paid.” She jumped at that, where had it come from? Then the girl realised she was floating in mid-air and reached out a hand to steady herself on steel coat-hook which bent like Plasticine in her grasp. “Why, I’m strong and I can fly – I must be a super hero. How smashing!” And in the ensuing excitement of trying out her powers and selecting a costume forgot everything the voice had said except the word Got. So she became Got-Gal.


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